
Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Zone 3

Alternative Title

Dataset Language

The Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) includes several layers of information. This dataset covers Flood Zone 3.
It is our best estimate of the areas of land at risk of flooding, when the presence of flood defences are ignored and covers land with a 1 in 100 (1%) or greater chance of flooding each year from Rivers;
or with a 1 in 200 (0.5%) or greater chance of flooding each year from the Sea. This dataset is designed to support flood risk assessments in line with Planning Practice Guidance;
and raise awareness of the likelihood of flooding to encourage people living and working in areas prone to flooding to find out more and take appropriate action.
The information provided is largely based on modelled data and is therefore indicative rather than specific.
Locations may also be at risk from other sources of flooding, such as high groundwater levels, overland run off from heavy rain, or failure of infrastructure such as sewers and storm drains.
The information indicates the flood risk to areas of land and is not sufficiently detailed to show whether an individual property is at risk of flooding, therefore properties may not always face the same chance of flooding as the areas that surround them.
This is because we do not hold details about properties and their floor levels. Information on flood depth, speed or volume of flow is not included.
Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2018. All rights reserved. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100024198
Topic Category

Keyword Value: Flood, Zone, 3, Planning, Environment Agency, Open Data
Originating Controlled Vocabulary: GEMET - INSPIRE Spatial Data Themes (GEMET)
Originating Controlled Vocabulary Citation: 2008-01-01
Temporal Extent

from -2004-01-01 to -2021-05-05
Dataset Reference Date

Date: 2010-01-2021-05
Date Type: revision

Environment Agency release the whole dataset quarterly but only update it in locations where new information is available
Hertfordshire County + 5 km
Vertical Extent

Spatial Reference System

OSGB36 - National Grid of Great Britain
Spatial Resolution

Resource Locator

protocol: DSP:ESRI
name: FloodMapForPlanningRiversAndSeaFloodZone3_Download
description: Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Zone 3 Download DSP
protocol: WMS name: FloodMapForPlanningRiversAndSeaFloodZone3_WMS description: Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Zone 3 WMS WMS
protocol: WFS name: FloodMapForPlanningRiversAndSeaFloodZone3_WFS description: Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Zone 3 WFS WFS
protocol: http:// name: DSP_CUSTOMER_FORUM description: Defra Data Services Platform Customer Forum Link
protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Zone_3_ESRI_REST_Endpoint description: Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Zone 3 - ESRI REST Endpoint
Layerfile for use by HCC internal staff: J:\Geodata\EnvAgncy\Flood_Map\
Responsible Organisation

Environment Agency
Role: Resource Provider, Custodian, Owner, Distributor, Originator, Point of Contact, Processor, Publisher, Author.
Limitations on Public Access

no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified. Open Government Licence
Use Constraints

Open Government Licence
This data is supplied without guarantee or any warranty as to the accuracy, currency or completeness, and is provided as is, excluding any warranties of any
kind, either express or implied, to the fullest extent permitted by law,including (but not limited to) satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.
Additional information

Resource Identifier


Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services.
Re-designing HCC Data for INSPIRE not done
Equivalent scale

Bounding box
0.76, 0.22, 51.58, 52.10
Quality scope
Spatial representation type

Character encoding
Data quality
Maintenance information
maintenance and update frequency: quarterly
update scope:feature
maintenance note: updates available quarterly from LINK
Metadata update date
Metadata Language

Metadata Point of Contact

Environment Agency
Resource Type

6 Dataset
File Identifier
Hierarchy level name
Parent identifier
Metadata standard name

Metadata standard version
Review date
Name Long Name Description

OSGB36 National Grid Bounding Coordinates

West: 486000 East: 552000 North: 245000 South: 189000
More Information

Change History