Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Title
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England)
- Alternative Title
- Dataset Language
- eng
- Abstract
- AONBs are designated areas where protection is afforded to protect and manage the areas for visitors and local residents.
Under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, Natural England has the power to designate areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONBs) in England that are outside national parks
and that are considered to have such natural beauty it is desirable they are conserved and enhanced; issue a variation order to change an existing AONB boundary.
It also holds a duty to give advice on developments taking place in an AONB; take into account the conservation and enhancement of AONBs in its work.
Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year]
- Topic Category
- environment
- Keyword
- Keyword Value: Landuse, OpenData
Originating Controlled Vocabulary: GEMET - INSPIRE Spatial Data Themes (GEMET)
Originating Controlled Vocabulary Citation: 2008-01-01
- Temporal Extent
- from -1949-12-31 to -2099-01-01
- Dataset Reference Date
- Date:1949-12-31 -2020-05-15
Date Type: revision
- Lineage
- All data is captured to the Ordnance Survey National Grid sometimes called the British National Grid. OS MasterMap Topographic Layer – produced and supplied by Ordnance Survey from data at 1:1250, 1:2500 and 1:10000 surveying and mapping standards
- is used as the primary source. Other sources – acquired internally and from external suppliers - may include aerial imagery at resolutions ranging from 25cm to 2m,
Ordnance Survey 1:10000 raster images, historical OS mapping, charts and chart data from UK Hydrographic Office and other sources, scanned images of paper designation mapping (mostly originally produced at 1:10560 or 1:10000 scales), GPS and other surveyed data, and absolute coordinates.
The data was first captured against an August 2002 cut of OS MasterMap Topography. Natural England has successfully uploaded an up-to-date version of OS MasterMap Topographic Layer.
However, we have not yet updated our designated data holding to this new version of MasterMap. This should occur in the near future, when we will simultaneously apply positional accuracy improvement (PAI) to our data.
- Extent
- National
- Vertical Extent
- -
- Spatial Reference System
- OSGB36 - National Grid of Great Britain
- Spatial Resolution
- 1m
- Resource Locator
protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
name: ArcGIS Open Dataset record page
description: ArcGIS Open Dataset record page
protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
name: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England) Download
description: AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeautyEngland_Download
protocol: OGC:WFS
name: AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeautyEngland_WFS
description: AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeautyEngland_WFS
protocol: OGC:WMS
name: AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeautyEngland_WMS
description: AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeautyEngland_WMS
- Layerfile for use by HCC internal staff: \\Geodata\NatEng\AONB
- Format
- Responsible Organisation
- Natural England
Role: Resource Provider, Custodian, Owner, Originator, Point of Contact, Processor, Publisher, Author.
- Limitations on Public Access
- There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.
- Use Constraints
Open Government Licence
- This data is supplied without guarantee or any warranty as to the accuracy, currency or completeness,
and is provided as is, excluding any warranties of any
kind, either express or implied, to the fullest extent
permitted by law,including (but not limited to) satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.
- Additional information
- Resource Identifier
- Conformity
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services.
Re-designing HCC Data for INSPIRE not done
- Equivalent scale
- Bounding box
- -6.41736, 2.05827, 55.7447, 49.8625
- Quality scope
- Dataset
- Spatial representation type
- vector
- Character encoding
- UTF-8
- Data quality
- -
- Maintenance information
- maintenance and update frequency:NotPlanned
- update scope:
- maintenance note:
- Metadata update date
- -2021-07
- Metadata Language
- English
- Metadata Point of Contact
- Natural England
Role: Resource Provider, Custodian, Owner, Originator, Point of Contact, Processor, Publisher, Author.
- Resource Type
- 6 Dataset
- File Identifier
- Hierarchy level name
- dataset
- Parent identifier
- -
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- 2.3
- Review date
- -
- Attributes
Name |
Long Name |
Description |
- OSGB36 National Grid Bounding Coordinates
- West: 486000 East: 552000
North: 245000 South: 189000
- More Information
- Change History