Adult Care Service data for people recieving care as part of the Older People care budget. The arrows represent people moving between settlements from their home to a care provider
which is based on their home and care postcodes.
Settlements have been created by combining LSOAs in a bespoke manner to align with service goals.
The raw data is firstly processed by CIDS, who then hand it over to GIS to spatialise.
Topic Category
Keyword Value: Adult Care
Originating Controlled Vocabulary: GEMET - INSPIRE Spatial Data Themes (GEMET)
Originating Controlled Vocabulary Citation: 2008-01-01
Temporal Extent
2022 / 2023
Dataset Reference Date
Reference Data: from 2018 / 19 to 2020 / 23
Date Type: Revision
The raw data comes from ROC_IAS, a read-only copy of the ACSIS system. The service groupings are defined on a yearly basis by ACS & CIDS based on lookup tables.
IPR: Ordnance Survey
Product: OS CodePoint
Date: 2023
Hertfordshire County
Vertical Extent
Spatial Reference System
OSGB36 - National Grid of Great Britain
Spatial Resolution
Resource Locator
This dataset is only available for HCC Members of Staff via the
ACS Flow Map
ESRI/File Geodatabase
Responsible Organisation
Hertfordshire County Council
Email :Alex Role: Resource Provider, Custodian, Owner, Originator, Point of Contact
Limitations on Public Access
Formal permission required for use
Use Constraints
Copyright controlled Ordnance Survey Derived Data. Use is subject to licence.
You must use the appropriate Copyright Acknowledgement;
This data is supplied without guarantee or any warranty as to the accuracy, currency or completeness,
and is provided as is, excluding any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
including (but not limited to) satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.
Additional information
Resource Identifier
ACS Flows
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive
2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of
spatial data sets and services.
Re-designing HCC Data for INSPIRE not done