This dataset is a Lower Super Output Area (2021) aggregration for every household in Hertfordshire coded by Acorn category, and shows the modal (most common) category for each LSOA. This data is strictly for use only by internal employees and any sharing or restriction queries should be directed to
If you would like to share any Acorn maps or data, please contact Kellie Blanchard to discuss your requirements. For further information about geodemographics in Hertfordshire, please see the collaboration page on the intranet or contact
Name | Long Name | Description |
LSOA11CD | LSOA Code (2011) | A unique code used to identify LSOA's (2011) |
LSOA_Modal_Category | LSOA Modal Category | The most common Acorn category for households within a specific LSOA. |
LSOA_Household_Modal_Number | LSOA Household Modal Number | The total number of dwellings within an LSOA which make up the modal Acorn category for that LSOA |
LSOA_Modal_Percentage | LSOA Modal Percentage | The percentage of dwellings within an LSOA which make up the modal Acorn category for that LSOA |
CACI_HH_ACORN_Cat_Name_URL | CACI Household Acorn Category URL | A URL linking off to a summary description of each Acorn Category stored within Portal for ArcGIS (used in the Acorn Viewer popups) |