Hertfordshire County Council's Corporate GIS Team are the Council's first point of contact for all GIS and spatial data business
The team manages and maintains Hertfordshire County Council's GIS infrastructure. We use GIS systems to provide staff access to spatial datasets held within the council to support a range of public services and statutory roles.
The GIS Team build, manage and provide access to range of web maps and applications accessible to staff and the public. These provide simplified, interactive maps for users to determine the location of certain council assets and boundaries, run simple spatial queries and (internal only) create basic print outs.
It is our also our responsibility to ensure the council remains compliant with all existing geospatial copyright and statutory obligations including the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement.
For general information and support please contact: gis@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Hertfordshire County Council have made some datasets available to download, please see here.
If you are working as a Contractor for the county council, then please email the team, copying in your HCC contact (who should raise these on your behalf) and the PSGA Principle Contact will respond.
Please note, Freedom of Information (FOI) or EIR requests do not normally cover GIS data requests, however if you do wish to raise one, then contact information.governance@hertfordshire.gov.uk.