

Hertfordshire School locations

Alternative Title
School, Sch
Dataset Language
Location of the Schools in Hertfordshire - Derived from the Schools Address Book.
The dataset includes all State Primary, Secondary, Nursery, Special Schools and Education Support Centres in the county; Academies are included, although not maintained by HCC. It does not record independent (private) schools.

The GIS Dataset now includes those that are open, planned or have closed (starting from September 2012).
Some schools open at temporary locations; in these instances their future permanant location will be listed where possible and updated accordingly once moved
Topic Category
Society, Location
Keyword Value: Schools, School types
Originating Controlled Vocabulary: Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV)
Originating Controlled Vocabulary Citation: Version 2.00 - 2012-08-05

Keyword Value: Utility and governmental services
Originating Controlled Vocabulary: GEMET - INSPIRE Spatial Data Themes (GEMET)
Originating Controlled Vocabulary Citation: 2008-06-01
Temporal Extent
from 2001-04-02 to 2020-05-12
Dataset Reference Date
Date: 2020-05-12
Date Type: Revision
Information is gathered from the Schools Address Book. It is updated when necessary.
Each of the schools were originally mapped to Codepoint.
They have now been moved to the correct building using HCC knowledge, Google Streetview and Mastermap

IPR: Ordnance Survey
Product: MasterMap
Date: 2013

IPR: Hertfordshire County Council's Intellectual Property Rights
Hertfordshire County
Vertical Extent
Spatial Reference System
OSGB36 - National Grid of Great Britain
Spatial Resolution
Resource Locator
Public Viewer: Children's Services Map
Layerfile for user by HCC internal staff:\Geodata\HCC\Educat\Location\Schools
ESRI/Shape file
Responsible Organisation
Hertfordshire County Council - Corporate GIS Team
Role: Resource Provider, Custodian, Owner, Distributor, Originator, Point of Contact, Processor, Publisher, Author.

Richard Harris
School Planning
Children's Services
Tel : 01992 555811
Role: Support Officer

Adrian Bentley
School Planning
Children's Services
Tel : 01992 555897
Role: Planning Assistant
Limitations on Public Access
Copyright Controlled. Use is subject to licence.
Use Constraints
Licensed under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement;

You must use the appropriate Copyright Acknowledgement;

For internal use:
For external use:

This data is supplied without guarantee or any warranty as to the accuracy, currency or completeness, and is provided as is, excluding any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, to the fullest extent permitted by law, including (but not limited to) satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.
Additional information
Search for a School in the SAB on
Schools - Definitions and Explanations on
Education - Types of School on GOV.UK:
Resource Identifier
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services.
Re-designing HCC Data for INSPIRE not done
Equivalent scale
Bounding box
-0.71, 0.19, 51.62, 52.06
Quality scope
Spatial representation type
Character encoding
Data quality
Maintenance information
maintenance and update frequency: unknown
update scope: feature
maintenance note: When informed by the Schools Planning Team
Metadata update date
Metadata Language
Metadata Point of Contact
Hertfordshire County Council - Corporate GIS Team
Resource Type
6 Dataset
File Identifier
Hierarchy level name
Parent identifier
Metadata standard name
Metadata standard version
Review date
(For start of new school year)
Name Long Name Description
HCC_No School Number The school number used by HCC
Gov_No DCSF The number used by the Department for Education. This is normally proceeded by '919' for Hertfordshire*
GIS_ID GIS URN A unique number for each site, used for GIS purposes (some schools are operating from two sites using the same HCC school number)
Sch_Name Name The name of the school, as it appears on the Schools' Address Book (including town names to distinguish between ones with the same name)
Full_Name Correspondence Name The name used when writing to the school
Sch_Alias Alias A shortened version of the name for use when creating paper maps - includes any governance information
ADDRESS1 Address Line 1 The first line of the address (normally the street)
ADDRESS2 Address Line 2 The Second line of the address
ADDRESS3 Address Line 3 The third line of the address
ADDRESS4 Address Line 4 The fourth line of the address (often the postal town)
POSTCODE Postcode The school's postcode
Address Address The Address for Schools, concatenated into one field
EAST Easting The six figure OS co-ordinate
NORTH Northing The six figure OS co-ordinate
SCHOOLTYPE Type of School A detailed description of the type of school; its place within the 2 or 3 tier system, or the category of Special Education that it provides e.g. Education Support Centre (ESC) Junior Mixed Infants, First, Special Primary LD, Studio School
Phase Phase A simplification of the type of school - used mainy for symbolisation
AnnoSbType Annotation Class (For use by the HCC GIS team only)The class used for annotation when creating the A1 school map
NURSERY Nursery A true (1) or false (0) field for if there is nursery provision at the school
Rcptn_4yrs Nursery Age Intake A true (1) or false (0) field for if the school traditionally takes nursery age children into their reception class (this may happen in rural areas without other early years provision)
Expertise Expertise If classed as a Special School, then a list of the categories that the school specialises in, otherwise any information regarding Special Educational Units or Bases located at the school
GOVERNANCE Governance The governance status of the school, the way in which it is owned, funded and run e.g. Community Schools Voluntary Controlled Schools, Voluntary Aided Schools, Foundation Schools and Academies
Status Status Whether or not the school is open or not (including information about opening schools and when they closed - these will stay in the file from now on)
NOTES Notes Any other information, including information about opening dates or changes to the way it is run
URL SAB URL The School's School Address Book page on
ISL_NO Integrated Services for Learning No. The ID for the multi-professional team who work in these 5 nominal areas.
ISL_NM ISL Name A geographic description of the area covered
DSPL_NO Delivering Special Provision Locally Custer Amalgamations of the notional Local Partnership areas developed to facilitate needs analysis.
DSPL_NM DSPL Name Name describing the are the schools cover
LP_NO Local Partnership Number 21 LPs have been established to ensure a mechanism exists to promote a local network of services and to support the increasing transfer of resources to schools and groups of schools
LP_LEAD_NM LP Lead School The lead school will hold the funding that is allocated to each partnership
LP_LEAD_NO Lead HCC Number The partnership's Lead School's HCC number
LP_LEAD School is LP Lead A true (1) or false (0) field stating whether or not it is the lead school
SENcluster SEN Cluster Which SEN area the school is attributed to
CC_CODE Children's Centre Area The Code for the Children's Centre area that the school falls within
CHILD_CENT Children's Centre The name of the Children's centre who supports the school
url_admsns Admissions Website The address for the webpage that the school would like people to visit when they are interested in applying (So far this has only been done for those with Nursery classes, or those who traditionally take nursery age children )
COLA_ID COLA ID The number used within the Central Online Admissions System in order to apply for a Nursery place (Please Note: This is a text field)

* This is not the full DCSF number, but the second part, for those schools that are within Hertfordshire.

OSGB36 National Grid Bounding Coordinates
West: 486000 East: 552000 North: 245000 South: 189000
More Information
In *most* cases schools converting to Accademies will just have their Governance changed - although some have chosen to re-register with the DfE and have new numbers.
Schools re-opening as a different phase will be re-added as a new record - currently their HCC School number will be the same and so their GIS ID will be changed to end in a 2.
Change History